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Revealed: This Is How Meghan Markle Won Over Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles

Revealed: This Is How Meghan Markle Won Over Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles Revealed: This Is How Meghan Markle Won Over Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles Reviewed by Duchess, Meghan Markle on 13:07 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Fake markle baby xray pics will be worth millions $$$
    Just want to commend you for all your hard work.
    The public doesn't believe Meghan is pregnant
    Would be GREAT if a Night Vision Xray Video Camera that can see through materials -confirm if there's a baby or silicone in her stomach.
    Do it on her next public appearance in Africa this week *ASAP.

    Know any good investigative reporters who can handle this and go to Africa ??

    That Xray would be worth million's $$$ Maybe you can do this?

    Shock the World - prove her pregnancy is FAKE and so is she!


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